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Aadya Bazaar

Skully Red Jasper, Mookaite, Ammonite Necklace. Designer Sterling Silver Jewelry.

$0.00 $372.99

Aadya Bazaar

Skully Red Jasper, Mookaite, Ammonite Necklace. Designer Sterling Silver Jewelry.

$0.00 $372.99

I love this necklace. The stones work in a very harmonious way together and it invokes some real earth medicine for me. The skull is a reminder and offering to the ancestors on all levels - human, plant, mineral. The piece includes red jasper, mookaite, dragon bloodstone, ammonite, garden quartz and fluorite. All of the metal is sterling silver.

adjustable to 25.5 inches long and 600g. The clasp and beads are sterling silver.

Red jasper is on of my very favorite stones. Considered by some North American indigenous groups to be the blood of Mother Earth and thought to increase sensitivity to the earth.

Jasper is often used to facilitate dreaming/dream recall and shamanic journeys. It is a stone of protection, absorbing all types of negative energies.

Jasper helps to balance and align the physical, mental and emotional bodies with the etheric realm. Jasper is a stone of courage and determination. It can often help those who need more focus, organization abilities, and motivation to follow through. Jasper stimulates creativity and imagination, transforming ideas into action.

Mookaite (also called Australian Jasper) is a powerful healing stone that helps provide stability to your perspective of life, helping make the right decisions based on objective knowledge.

Mookaite connects you to the energies of the earth, allowing for a deeper connection to the eternal instinct of the spirit in human form. Working with Mookaite during meditation can help to connect with ancestors' spirits, bringing an intuitive understanding of the natural evolution of the spirit.

Mookaite balances the Root, Solar Plexus, and Third Eye Chakras, and can improve the flow of energy between these chakras.

Carry Mookaite in your pocket when in need of an extra boost of practical intuition.

You can use Mookaite to access genetic memory to help awaken all of your abilities.

Hold Mookaite in your hand during meditation to help with the release of old patterns that inhibit growth. Mookaite can also encourage you to recognize life patterns to become more attuned to the natural cycles. This quality can help those who are trying to work with Law of Attraction to bring higher ideals into physical reality.

In nature, Mookaite is also a wonderful stone to use in a supportive role when working with animals. It is a rainmaker stone, which can aid dehydrated and dry climates by bringing in moisture. Mookaite can also assists in the growth of gardens by providing maximum growth conditions.

Physically, Mookaite may assist in helping to slow the aging process by changing internal beliefs regarding that process, and by reminding you that the spirit is eternal. It can assist during pregnancy, encouraging healthy development of the fetus.