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Aadya Bazaar

Ammonite & White Jade Necklace with Prehnite, Fluorite and Selenite. Medicine Necklace.2115

$0.00 $285.00

Aadya Bazaar

Ammonite & White Jade Necklace with Prehnite, Fluorite and Selenite. Medicine Necklace.2115

$0.00 $285.00

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Beautiful white jade and ammonite necklace strung with selenite, prehnite and purple fluorite to create a stunning kind of paleo-ceremonial effect!. All of the metal is sterling silver. This one is powered up with the vibes.
The necklace measures 19" long and sits like a collar. I can add an extension chain that matches the clasp upon request.

White Jade's energy is peaceful, joyful and wonderfully practical. It gently encourages us to stop struggling so much and to step outside our ego's perspective and see the bigger picture. It helps us to be compassionate and forgiving towards ourselves and to all beings. It reminds us that forgiveness is not synonymous with being passive or accepting bad behavior. Instead, it shows us that forgiveness is simply a way of cutting ties with any bad energy, such as resentment, which does not serve us. White Jade gracefully leads us into internal harmony and helps bring our relationships and environment into balance with us. White Jade moves energy in the most effective manner possible, wasting no time and getting right to the heart of what is most real and necessary. It also can be used to work through negative money beliefs that lead to scarcity-thinking or greed. White Jade is excellent at helping us develop a sensible and straightforward relationship with money.

The spiral shape of these fossilized creatures symbolizes continual change and evolution. The Ammonite draws off all negative energies. Think of the Ammonite spirals as a filter, drawing in these dense energies which are no longer needed, moving them through the spirals and releasing them as fresh, positive, loving life force energies.

The Ammonite is a very powerful earth healing fossil. Ammonites have absorbed cosmic energy over eons of time and help to stimulate the life force (Chi) within.

Ammonites are often used for activating Kundalini and life path energies.

It is often recommended to keep an Ammonite in your home to attract health, prosperity and success.

A protective stone, Selenite shields a person or space from outside influences. Selenite can evoke protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negative energy. The powerful energies of Selenite help one connect with one's guides, guardians, Christ Consciousness and Higher Self. Selenite can be held or placed around a person to facilitate such a connection.

The powerful vibration of Selenite can clear, open, and activate the Crown and Higher Chakras and is excellent for all types of spiritual work.

Selenite calms and soothes, bringing a deep peace and sense of tranquility. Use Selenite in a grid around your home or in the corners of a room to create a safe and peaceful space. Selenite is commonly used for good luck and protection.

Meditating with Selenite aids in access to past and future lives.

Selenite brings mental clarity, clearing confusion and revealing the bigger picture behind any problem. It can also be used to strengthen the memory.